(Stand 30.10.23)
When I go to the office, I ask my patients to take a mouth and nose protector with them (FFP2 mask) and to only wear it while waiting in the foyer if there are other potentially ill people with signs of infection in the same room or if you yourself have symptoms typical of an infection ! (Wearing MNS in ordinations is no longer mandatory as of May 1, 2023!)
When you enter the practice, you will be asked to disinfect your hands thoroughly. (Dispenser by the glass door is available to you!). The air in the practice is nevertheless regularly exchanged through cross-ventilation and cleaned using suitable air hygiene measures.
To prevent a new illness or a more severe course in the newer Corona variants “Eris” EG. 5. (a descendant of XBB.1.16 "Arkturus"), Phytotherapeutics and naturopathic methods. First and foremost, these can help to sustainably strengthen the immune system in order to build increased resilience against novel viral vectors.
Patients who are currently suffering from the currently circulating Corona variants or a severe flu-like infection (influenza / RSV), who may have a positive test result and have not yet been offered medical help, can contact me with confidence and at least receive TELEMED advice or make a home visit in the Mödling area (as long as I have the time for it)!
I also offer post-Covid patients with “long COVID”, “post-vacc syndrome” and those affected with “shedding” symptoms professional help to accelerate regeneration and fully restore the ability to work. Also iRe TELEMED consultation hours!
In order to clarify the immunity status of those who have not been vaccinated and those who have not recovered from Covid-19 and those who have been vaccinated against Covid-19, it makes sense, apart from the SARS-CoV-2 AK status, to examine the so-called SARS-CoV-2 T cell response the virus SARS-CoV-2 including cross-reactivity by seasonal corona & RSV viruses.
Regarding the increase in cases of acute hepatitis in children up to 16 years of age, studies have now been published in the journal "Nature" which suggest that this could be a disease caused by the adeno-associated virus (AAV2). However, since AAV2 itself is not able to infect cells directly, it needs other viruses as a co-infection in order for replication to be possible. Epstein-Barr and herpes viruses were identified as “helper viruses”. According to the study, why these children are susceptible to such viruses is probably related to a genetic tendency (93% of the affected children) to autoimmune diseases. On the other hand, there is also the possibility that these children did not receive enough immune training during the lockdown phases due to a lack of social contacts and suddenly fell ill after returning to kindergartens and schools due to acquired immune deficiency. The affected children show increased liver enzyme values. Common symptoms in the cases registered so far were vomiting, discolored stools, diarrhea and jaundice.
If necessary, an occupational disease report (according to § 177 - Z 38 and Appendix 1 of the General Social Insurance Act ASVG) "Covid-19 infection and occupational disease" can be made for medical and service provider professions (medical professions, hairdressers, chiropodists, MTAs, optician etc.) made. These affected people may have been infected while working and may be suffering from late symptoms of Covid-19, which can affect their ability to work.
I also look after people vaccinated with mRNA/vector/subunit vaccine (Zn 1st, 2nd, 3rd, ... or "off-label" vaccination dose) who have experienced severe or permanent side effects and would like further advice seek holistic help. The aim is to prevent chronification and possible long-term damage. see I-RECOVER Post-Vaccine Treatment Protocol Version February 10, 2023)
Comprehensive advice/information on the currently available vaccines (according to Epidemiological Bulletin 8/2023. https://www.rki.de), individualized testing procedures for vaccine compatibility, vaccination preparation and aftercare. Since there is hardly any vaccination in Austria anymore, but there are more and more people affected who complain about late effects after vaccination, the focus is now on expelling the vaccination and treating the side effects of the vaccination.
Preparation of living wills if vaccination is not medically and ethically justifiable. (particularly useful for demented, seriously ill and mentally handicapped relatives) INFO: According to the Living Will Act (PatVG) or the German Medical Journal, the corona vaccination is only legal if the patient has been informed about the risks and in the has effectively consented to vaccination. Otherwise there may be civil or criminal consequences.
Address: Klostergasse 15 /Top 3 2340 Mödling, Austria
Office times:
Mon,Tues,Thurs 2:00 p.m.-6:00 p.m. and
Thu, Fri 9:00 a.m. - 2:00 p.m
or by telephone arrangement
Home visits by appointment
Tel.: +43 2236 860 698 (during ordination time)
Mobile: +43 699 1255 4750 (also outside, Mon-Fri)
E-Mail: info@heilimpulse.at
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